International Workshop for artists - THE PUPPET-OBJECT

Pinocchio could have been a toothpick!

This year, we are welcoming Francy Begasse & Stéphane Georis for an International Workshop for professional artists from 2013.12.16 > 22, here in Espace Catastrophe.

This very special moment for meetings and exchanges through work on the Puppet-Object aims to provide opportunities to expand their areas of expertise.

How to give life to an object, And what will be the characteristics of these new characters, made from things we see around us every day ? Do they have a voice ? A body ? A dynamic ? An eyeline. A point of vew on the world ?
We will explore together all possibilities this kind of theatre offers to us, the one Stephane is used to work with for nearly 15 years. We must rediscover our own childhood and this way of staying amazed. But we have to keep our adult look and smartness, that one which makes us prefer a poetic and demanding theatre, in place of something light and easy.
We just are at the crossing between street theatre, clown act and puppet theatre. This crossing is rich, and share it is fascinating.

Information & registration

Workshop of 30 hours (1 week).
Registration: Artistic CV and motivation letter to be sent to
Rate: 270 € + 20€ (insurance).
All information about the training:
Housing in “Kot & Jardin”:


Espace Catastrophe
18 rue de la Glacière - B-1060 Bruxelles
32 2 538 12 02

circus en straatspektakel
Offres de stage
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2013-11-12 14:05:21
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