Médecins Sans Frontières recherche psychologues -> Misrata, Libye

Message de MSF que nous relayons bien volontiers:
"il s'agit de prise en charge de 'prisonniers de guerre' pour la plupart - avec tout ce que cela suppose comme trauma post stress. Les besoins sont parait-il énormes et notre pool de psy est à sec.

La durée de la mission est de 1 ou 2 mois suivant la disponibilité des personnes. Les conditions de sécurité sont +/- OK, rien à voir avec les mois précédents.

Normalement pour travailler pour MSF, il y a une procédure longue (entretien, évaluation, jeux de rôles etc...) dans ce cas, l'urgence nous pousse à recruter 'fast track', pour un départ le plus rapide possible."

Appel complet:

Psychologist (prison and hospitals)
MSF_OCB _Libya mission

Job title: Psychologist
Location: Misrata, Libya
Replacement of:
Profile Clinical Psychologist
Duration contract: 2 months
Language: English (Local translators for Arabic)

General objective of the project:
To improve the psychological support provided to people affected by the conflict by technical support to the local psychologists, psychological support to the war prisoners and work at the community level.

- Experience in MSF (if possible)
- Clinical experience in trauma counseling
- Training experience
- Supervision experience
- Organization skills

Supervision (30%)
- Support to local psychologists (from the Misrata Mental Health Committee, MMHC) in 5 structures, through:
• Providing supervision and case discussion for 2 hours per structure per week (patient file review, work tools, patients flow, etc.)
• Providing 1 weekly general training session (in collaboration with MSFF) to the pool of psychologists (MMHC and others)
• Collecting data

Prison (70%)
- Daily presence in the military prison, for half a day, mornings or afternoons
- Supervise and coordinate all related mental health activities related to the prisoners (including referrals, in case of required follow-up in the referral structure)
- Counseling and clinical follow-up of cases (patient file, etc.)
- Liaise with the prison authorities, and with other actors when needed (ICRC)
- Collaboration with (and assistance of) the MSF medical team
+ Reporting: weekly sitrep about carried activities and data collection to MedCo. All communications pass by MedCo.



Contact: Cécile de Walque
Pool Manager for MD, paediatricians and epidemiologists.
In team with Pamela Van Zuylen to manage the pool

"Médecins Sans Frontières" - Brussels
Phone: ++32(02)4747455

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2011-09-15 17:14:05
Posté par Smartagora-a-iconAgoranomios